Monday, November 26, 2018, 9:58 am
Aggressive mediocrity

I am surrounded by mediocrity. Out there. In here. It’s everywhere. It’s persistent.
It must be battled. Every. Day.
Yet mediocrity is everywhere. It doesn’t just surround me. It surrounds all of us.
In school, we’re taught to be mediocre. All of the “standards” are mediocre. Yes, this includes university.
Society wants us to be mediocre. Our employers want us to be mediocre. Our government wants us to be mediocre. Facebook wants us to be mediocre.
They use words like compliant, manageable, fair. Pro tip: life isn’t fair.
This is a good thing. Life shouldn’t be fair. So many people want society, employers, government, Facebook to make our decisions for us. To live our lives for us. Why do so few strive for more?
Why do so few strive for excellence?
I get it, though. It’s a battle. Every. Day.
I have been on this journey for several years now. Many days I falter. Those days I slip back towards mediocrity. However, many days I thrive. Those days I end better than I started. One more step towards being excellent.
Awareness goes a long way. Be aware that your instructor, society, your employer, government only wants you to comply. To maintain the status quo. To be mediocre. Don’t make waves. Don’t rock the boat. Especially if you’re sitting in it.
Bullshit. I don’t know about you, but I have enough regrets for my lifetime. So many missed opportunities. I’m ready to abandon mediocrity. I’m ready to live.
Join me. Take a step (leap?) towards excellence.
Or stay home, away from those snow-covered streets. Plop down on the couch and turn on that game... and settle for watching others be great. Continue to watch life pass you by—to allow life to live you.
Fuck mediocrity.

Lynyrd Skynyrd
Street Survivors