Friday, December 15, 2006, 1:47 pm
Life after finals...

I'm finding out that having a clear head may not be what the doctor ordered, 'cos now i'm thinking about life again.
Such as dating... i'm still not really interested in dating, but i would like to meet some people and start having some fun. However, i am wondering if i shouldn't stick to sleeping with unfulfilled married women and divorcées. It would certainly make life less complicated, and it might add an element of excitement... if i do it right. I wouldn't want it to get too exciting!
Then there's the daily grind. When i started this, i made the decision not to talk about work here. Today, i'm closer to that line than i've ever been. Maybe i'll reevaluate my decision... such as mentioning nothing specific, only how i feel about my job and the direction i see myself going? Certain people don't need to know certain things. ;^)
I don't know. It's such a sticky area. I know there are better jobs out there, but i don't want to risk losing my job over a blog post. I know it has happened so many times before to other people.
Yet, people need to vent. I suppose there are "friends only" posts, but then again i don't have any friends... at least any friends who look at this. I figure most people have better things to do than to sit on the internet and read blogs all day.
In fact, i only read a handful myself. I'm thinking of participating in the 'blogosphere' and adding them to my blog roll.
It probably doesn't help that i have symptoms today. I don't know if i'm getting sick or not, but i'm certainly not one-hundred percent. Last thing i need is the return of the "mouth-breather." Bleah!
Perhaps i'm just feeling restless today because the weather outside is absolutely gorgeous... and yet, i'm stuck inside. I should be at home, with all of the windows open cleaning and throwing shit out.
I hate always having to say "tomorrow." However, the weather is supposed to be as great tomorrow, so tomorrow it shall be. At least i don't have anything else to do... and i intend to keep it that way. I NEED to get my house in order... it is my biggest obstacle to a normal life at this point.
Of course, how do you define normal?
The break from school will be good, especially my upcoming trip. I'm really looking forward to seeing H again. I have so many things to do and work on before i go though. I should have my car inspected, because i'm worried about a noise the front passenger wheel has started making... plus i need new tires.
My social life will pick up again starting tonight, but i'm going to have to converse in "safe mode," because i'm trying desperately to kick my annoying habit of not answering questions directly. Most of the time, i answer a question with a question.
I also need to work on being nice. I figure that's not an observation i want women i'm interested in to make.
I'm not saying i'm not nice. However, i know i tend to be too self-centered at times and that probably comes across as "not nice."
Is it a character flaw i'll never be able to overcome? Nah... i'll find a way. I'll just have to be aware of it... and the question thing.
Fun times are ahead! The next step on my road of discovery is a big one... but it'll be worth it.
It has to be.

Beautiful Garbage