Thursday, February 27, 2020, 10:55 am

I just want to meet the guy (you know it was a guy) who invented yoga pants, and give him a hug.
I’ve made a new friend at work and I can’t help but admire the way he sees the world. He practically dances through life, and his energy is infectious.
It’s inspiring.
Yet I don’t know how to do this. Why do I find the unknown so alarming? Why can’t I just roll with what comes? How do I overcome this failing and simply adapt and endure?
Like water rolling off a duck’s back?
This. This must be the next step in my evolution.
Easier said than done? Perhaps. I have an opportunity to explore this with like-minded people—and to escape those who are familiar with me and my idiosyncrasies, and prefer comfort to growth.
I am tired of being consistently disappointed by my cyclical nature. These themes constantly come up as needing to be addressed, yet I never really get past them.
This is an opportunity I cannot let slip by. I will not (and have no desire to) live forever... why continue to let regret and missed opportunities define my life?
Of course, he’s not wrong regarding yoga pants.