Saturday, April 30, 2022, 6:12 am
Oh, Wordle

I could say, this is not something I need in my life. Yet… it is something to do. And it only takes five minutes, (usually) provides a nice endorphin boost, and occasionally inspires me to write something.
Why? Because it proves I am an overthinker. Beyond all doubt.
There are only x five-letter words out there. An innate understanding of how spelling rules in English work is helpful, because I can usually guess the word in three or four guesses.
Of course, there are those rarer words—which didn’t seem so in grade school, probably because they made ideal examples—with which you have four letters placed, and every possible consonant fits in that last spot. Then you are reliant on pure luck to get it in six.
Since I’ve been doing the Wordle (I am late to the party, as always), I’ve only been burned twice.
_ O U N D. Was the first. Do we always remember our first? (Hi, Teresa.)
I don’t recall the other.
Finally, today’s Wordle made me question my usage of the word: innate.
So, I looked it up.
in·nate (i·nāt′, in′·āt) adj. Native to or original with the individual; inborn.
Word usage IS important. English spelling rules cannot be innate, as they are learned. Yet, the UNDERSTANDING of said rules CAN be innate. Like those weirdos that understand mathematics and can figure the tip—in any amount or percentage—just by looking at the tab.
Me, I am that weirdo. Why else would I smash out 250+ words on this topic?

Greg Guidry
Over the Line