Friday, February 2, 2007, 2:29 pm
Putting on a good show...

Found on another blog:
To do: Start baking. Read more. Listen to more music. Make more music. Take baths. Ride my bike. Take pictures. Find a job. Be alone. Be together. Stop apologizing. Stop being afraid of my future.
It's a very good plan, and it goes well with my yearly goals.
Today, with one month down and only eleven to go, i thought it might be interesting to look at my progress.
I'm not going to make excuses for not making profound progress... because i think that is unrealistic to expect anyway. However, i know that i would like to be farther along than i am. I am taking steps in the right direction... and as long as i'm taking action, i really cannot be disappointed in my successes and failures!
I did have a great time with my sister and her friends the other night. We went out to eat, and then back to her house to talk, watch television, and mostly just relax!
And have i ever mentioned that her friend/roommate is really, really cute?
She said that her job relocation probably won't happen until April, and when she moves she wants to sell her furniture and buy new when she gets there.
I may just have to take it off of her hands... it is really nice furniture! =^) And, that will remove something from my list! Win-win! I even like the color.
Whenever we do spend time together, it always amazes me just how much we do have in common. It's odd because we were raised in two very different households: me with my mother, her with our dad. It is very cool though to reconnect with her.
My sound board gig at the civic theatre is going very well. It almost feels like i'm a natural... but then i've always had a knack for technology. That combined with my unusually exceptional hearing, it's like i found a great way to give back! And i really do love spending time with my new theatre friends/family... especially now that i'm starting to relax there and they're warming up to me.
I'm on the waiting list for the next ballroom dancing class. As soon as they have enough participants, i'll get the call. Yay!
Last night, i ventured out to the club... even though i wasn't feeling well, which resulted in a failed workout. Going out ended up being just what i needed.
It was a bit slow when i showed up... only one woman there, and she was with someone. The beer pong was going on... which i just detest in such a classy joint. "Yum yum" had already been sent home because business was slow, so i didn't get to see her either.
After a couple of drinks, i'd decided to leave when a couple of dental hygienists from out of town came in with one guy. One of the young ladies was displaying a LOT of PDA with the guy, and the other kept looking my way.
I actually managed to scrape together my confidence and ordered a rare third drink so i could go talk to her.
By the time the night was over, i ended up establishing rapport with not only "J," but with the bar's owner and manager as well. In fact, the manager wants me to decide the Thursday martini specials... and to start coming in on Wednesday night.
And bumping and grinding on the dance floor with J certainly didn't suck either!

The High Road