Wednesday, March 28, 2007, 12:45 pm
Knowing she likes what she sees...

What a fabulous day! Today, I got confirmation that my hard work and the social hiatus that has come with it is paying off.
You see, this semester I've been taking online classes only. I wanted to have a semester which doesn't require my busting ass across town during rush hour four days a week. Now, I won't say that online classes require less time (actually, I think they require more, but you can set aside a six to eight hour block on a Saturday, or two four-hour blocks late at night), but they do add an element of convenience... which is nice.
Anyway, because of my online semester, today was my first visit to campus during the "normal" school day. And what a fine day for a visit it was.
Last spring, there was a beautiful blonde in my history class. She was always friendly, but we never had the occasion to actually talk. However, there was one day that she walked into the classroom dressed, well, she was dressed very nice. She was wearing a pin-striped business skirt and jacket.
Anyway, she looked at me as she walked in, and apparently I had a reaction, because she asked me what that was for. Well, she looked hot!
Today, was a good day to meet with my advisor about my schedule for next fall... because she was in there too.
Only this time, she was checking me out. She wasn't hiding it either... just looking up and down me and smiling.
I couldn't help but return the eye contact and smile... after all, she was dressed very nice herself!
It is too bad I'm not ready. Soon, I will be, but not yet. At least I know that I'm again able to generate attraction. It was just the nugget I needed to know that I'm doing the right thing.

The Fratellis
Costello Music