Tuesday, June 12, 2007, 12:09 pm
Refreshed insomniac...

Oddly, today I'm feeling refreshed, refocused, rebalanced.
Maybe I'm becoming bipolar? Maybe I've always been bipolar...
Anyway, I think it's strange I'm feeling refreshed because I've been battling insomnia. Lately, it's been bad, offering between a half-hour to two hours of sleep a night.
However, I've been using the extra time with some spring cleaning, rearranging furniture and moving things into and out of storage, and of course, I'm staying current on my homework.
And, I've managed to watch a few DVDs that had been content to remain untouched in my collection. Last night, I watched 50 First Dates and it was better than I expected it would be. I guess I don't have a lot of faith in Hollywood these days, because they keep cranking out terrible, CGI-filled, action blockbusters. It is nice to see they still know how to produce a decent romantic comedy that manages to tug at the heart strings a little.
Not that I'd know anything about that. ;^)
It's a bit disconcerting that I wasn't able to fall asleep easily last night. I managed to get in a 3.2 mile run (only one hot woman at the gym... ok, maybe two), banged out a paper about when the Mongols ruled China. I did take a twenty minute nap immediately after work, but seriously, if twenty minutes fulfilled my sleep requirements to not sleep for the next 12 hours, then perhaps I shouldn't sleep at night at all... not more than twenty minutes at a time.
Hmmm... that might be an experiment worth trying... ;^)
I've always found it odd that I get my best sleep in the early evening and the mid morning. Sleeping in any other timeframes just doesn't seem to have the same effect.
It could also have something to do with the fact I do my best thinking at night... and frequently end up with a lot of brilliant ideas in my mind, that my murky morning mind just can't seem to act on.
Even if I write them down. It's sad, really... something else to work on, but I don't know how many changes at a time I can work on and actually expect them to stick.
There were a lot of evenings I had figured out exactly how I was going to end my last relationship... because I wasn't happy... but the next morning, my murky mind convinced me that I was happy and the brilliant ideas of the night before just faded away.

The Cars
Heartbeat City