Sunday, June 24, 2007, 9:26 am
Phones are evil...

I guess there are ways to find out who your friends really are.
Really, the advent of Caller ID has changed a lot for identifying those "true friends."
Of course, I was jaded before. I've hated phones for a while. I'm not good on the phone... I guess you could say my charm and charisma doesn't come through on the phone. I suppose taking the time to record my voice and working on my "voice acting" would help.
I hate having a phone, because it always rings at the most inopportune times. Of course, now with Caller ID, I don't have to answer it... and lately, I don't even look at that. Because no one I know ever calls.
I'm not exactly sure why I seem to repel my "friends." Maybe I've forgotten how to make real friends since high school.
I know I alienated all of my friends from high school when I was dating "S"... which unfortunately included my best female friends I've ever had. I've been unable to make many girl friends since, which sucks.
Then, there were the break ups. Everyone takes the easy way out and breaks up on the phone. "C" even tried to break up via email... but I had called her before I saw the note.
Oh well, this isn't about them... I'm better off without them and I know that now!
Anyway, yesterday, I called "R" because she told me to call her the next time I was in town. Even though she always seemed really interested, I guess at that moment, she wasn't.
It rang, and rang, and I got voice mail. She's not interested.
Woman games. Bleah!
So, considering that was a bust, I decided to call a friend who was throwing a party last night. Rang twice, and went to voice mail in mid-ring... rejected.
Ok, I can take a hint and I know when I'm not wanted.
Time to get out and meet new people and make new friends!
As for the women? Well, for the time being it is time to just work on the "quick kills." The phone doesn't even need to come into play!

Concrete Blonde