Monday, June 18, 2007, 2:02 pm
Buried car: unearthed...

Last weekend was the weekend for exhuming the "time capsule car" in Tulsa, OK. I'm sure it was a fun event, and I had planned on attending, but things don't always work out the way we hope.
Which is probably for the better. Anyway, the internet coverage is fantastic... from this Flickr Gallery to the blogosphere... and if they had found an ancestor of Paris Hilton in the car, it might actually get some news coverage! Yes, that's a joke (people don't seem to be getting my attempts at humor these days... which is odd).
I think realistically, everyone suspected that the car wouldn't make it. I'm not sure we have the technology today to create a concrete vault that can contain a car for preservation and be buried without becoming compromised.
However, I was hoping that the car would be salvageable, even pristine. As I'd indicated last winter, I've always wanted a '57 Plymouth... at least since reading Christine. Demonic car aside, I always thought they were cool looking, yet rarer than their Chevrolet/Ford counterparts... which adds to the appeal for me.
Even as a rusty hulk, the photos I've seen of the car are pretty impressive. If I were the lucky recipient of it, I'm not sure what I'd do with it.
I had to get a laugh out of one of the film reels preserved in the capsule... Destination Earth, in which "Martian dissidents learn that oil and competition are the two things that make America great."
It's kind of funny, because these people fifty years ago had no idea we would still be dependent on oil. They even included a can of regular leaded gasoline in the vault so it could be used to start the car... in the event we no longer used gasoline.
Incredible foresight from an optimistic society. It truly would have been something to be a part of! Hopefully the new owner will opt to put it in a museum so generations can look at it for generations to come... hopefully above ground, it can be kept in an environment that won't further contribute to its deterioration.

The Cars
The Cars