Monday, January 21, 2008, 4:34 pm

Clearly, I have made some bad decisions

Let's see, where to begin? There was the fire on the school bus, using my Chevy Luv as a clown car, getting involved with Ms. C, accepting a dead-end job, that chili dog for lunch... I could go on, but I won't.

Today, I discovered this sentiment is available on a t-shirt. Maybe I should do what the website says and embrace and even celebrate my mistakes.


Why shouldn't I embrace my mistakes? Tell me that an argument cannot be made that we learn more from our mistakes than our successes...

I dare you!

This leads to the quote of the day:

Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work. - H. L. Hunt

Over the weekend, I ran into a colleague of mine who mirrored the same thought. Something Robert Kiyosaki said, and I paraphrase, treat your business like a business.

This is a wake up call... it's time to wake up!

Tonight, I'll be hanging out with a couple I met several months ago, but only recently learned they are successfully self-employed. These are people I need to be associating with. Too many people I know aren't willing to take chances... many are in my family (which makes it really hard to get away from them).

How do you convince friends and family that the days of being successful by being the "good employee" with the "good company" are over? Granted, I can sustain here... which is why the motivation is lacking to jump... but all I'll ever be is a slave to my wage. A wage that will never grow at that.

Good performance doesn't mean shit anymore. In fact, it doesn't even imply that I'm not expendable.

Everyone is expendable.

I'm eager to start my own business. New goal for February: formally incorporate a new business with a portion of the tax refund. It's a step in the right direction.

Exciting times are ahead!

What i'm listening to:
Blackout Piece of Me
Britney Spears

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 2:08 pm

'07: The year in review...

Quote of the day:

The boy must die.

Well, another year is behind me. It has been a wild ride, and I have grown in areas I would never have imagined.

However, I still have a long, long way to go. I still tend to get hung up on analysis, and keep using education as a crutch for not gathering experience.

I need to keep working on my inner game. Everything else is solid.

The rebuilding year is over... now it is time to have some fun. It's time to take this solid foundation and put it to some good use!

2007: So, how did I do?

Keep an open mind about everything.

I have done very well in this department. Of course, it's not hard once you start thinking outside the box to keep thinking that way.

Nevertheless, this is a huge piece of the puzzle. I have learned some amazing stuff this past year... things I never would have imagined were true!

To have no regrets for reasons of shyness, overanalyzing or (God forbid) money.

Working on this. Money, no problem. Shyness, mostly overcome too, although there are some instances when I feel uncomfortable and shut down socially. They are becoming fewer and farther between though. Overanalyzing, well... let's just say I still occasionally fall victim to "analysis paralysis." I've made some progress though!

Eliminate my consumer debt. (Yes, eliminate!)

Nope. Not even close. In fact, midway through the year I had to change my strategy regarding my debt.

Still not an unreal goal for next year; I just need a better plan and better discipline!

Purchase a new car (VW Jetta, here we come) w/cash.

Nope. I do still want a Jetta, and will only buy one with cash, but this is such a low priority for me right now. Mostly just to spite my dad. Maybe I should work on that "spite" thing, eh? ;^)

There is a '93 Dodge Stealth that has been listed in the classifieds for nearly two years now. That would be a sweet ride!

Furnish my house.

Check. My sister's old furniture looks fabulous in my living room. Of course, I still want some shelves for both bedrooms, a new dresser, some fresh paint, etc. However, money is going to become a higher priority for me next year, so I don't know if this will be a practical addition to next year's list or not.

Rewire my house.

Nope. Not really sure why not... just didn't have many moments where I was in between too busy and too lazy last year. I have learned how to juggle appliances and haven't thrown a breaker in several months now!

Maintain my current weight range through diet and exercise, only allowing weight gain for reasons of muscle mass .

Well, I'm not doing too bad here. My study schedule severely affected my workouts this fall, and I've not been working out regularly for long enough to have noticed I can no longer eat whatever I want. All things considered, that I'm still hovering around 165 is a good sign. For what it's worth, I know I look hot! =^)

Read no less than eighteen books (recreational reading, not school-related) over the next twelve months.

Almost. Sixteen books read. If I include my required school reading, I made it.

Last year, I think my total of books read was around six, so just the fact I cleared a book a month pleases me greatly! I'll probably set a similar goal for next year.

I have a friend who set a personal goal of 30-pages of recreational reading a night. A nice goal, I think, but it puts too much pressure on me to read every night. If I eventually end up forcing myself to read enjoyable books, will I continue to enjoy reading? I don't want it to become a burden.

Be running three miles a day by year end.

This one is interesting. I was there at the beginning of summer. Then I found less and less time to hit the gym.

Now? Who knows... I haven't worked out since the seventh. When I do manage to hit the track, there's no consistency. One day I'll just go two miles without problems, the next time I'm dying after a half mile. Who knows?

Be the best friend possible to my friends and stop being so selfish.

Well, this one is just stupid. Most of my remaining friends are assholes, and the only one I can count on is myself.

There's a reason I'm proud to be a narcissist. What I can't figure out is what I must have been smoking to have put something this "wussy" on the list to begin with!

Shoot a roll of film (or equivalent) each month. (So, at least a picture a day...)

Made it. Love my new digital cameras. Film? What's that?

Actually, I am going to make a point of taking the film camera out and shooting six rolls next year. Somedays I miss my old camera.

Besides, I intend to retrain myself to take fantastic pictures. I know how to use my old camera as far as aperture and shutter speed settings are concerned. The new one? Well, I've read the manual, but when the moment hits, I can't make adjustments without thinking about them yet. When that happens, then I'll be ready to go 100% digital.

I still love film, but the ability to shoot a thousand shots without reloading is not a perk to be overlooked!

Learn to play an instrument (or two... i've always wanted to learn both piano & saxophone).

Not even close. To my credit, I did look at/price instruments and I did get a beginner saxophone book.

But that's not enough. We'll see what I can accomplish next year. In fact, I think I'll spend some of my holiday money on a keyboard and some lessons.

Learn American Sign Language.

Nope. Anyone know where I can find a good book to assist me with this?

Take ballroom dancing lessons.

Check. I am having a ball (no pun intended) learning how too! So far, I really like the East Coast Swing and the Salsa. I still really, really want to learn to Tango however.

Next year, I intend to put more time into practicing and improving. I would love to teach dance someday!

Get involved with the community through volunteering.

Check. Plus, it looks like I'll be helping out at the community theatre again soon.

2008 goals:

  • Handwrite 17 letters to friends/family (one for every three weeks).
  • Shoot a physical roll of film every two months... work on improving my photography
  • Devote at least 90 minutes to homework every night (the "you're not going out until your homework is done" mentality).
  • Throw a couple of parties.
  • Be mindful of my posture.
  • Make at least one big trip this year to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, New York, or some other place that will be a "growing" experience and where I will know no one.


  • Maintain my current weight.
  • Continue reading: push for finishing a book every three weeks (Goal: 17)


  • Eliminate my consumer debt.
  • Learn sign language.
  • Learn to play an instrument.

And finally, the big one:

  • Be social, be present, use observing ego, and be assertive; every moment of every day. Be aware of and hold myself accountable for those moments when I am not.
What i'm listening to:
Madonna Borderline