Monday, December 4, 2006, 7:58 pm


I look in the mirror and i see it.

The fire's coming back, baby! I'm getting the fire in my eyes...

Sheesh, i almost sound like Apollo Creed!

This is good though... i'm not dead inside after all! =^) I'm starting to believe in myself again.

I know i can fulfill my financial goals, my materialistic goals, my spiritual goals... and get the girl in the end. Yes, i can do it! I am going to make something of myself... i'm going to be happy with the hand i've been dealt, and more importantly, what i'll manage to do with it.

Just wait and see! =^D

What i'm listening to:
Garbage Vow

Monday, December 4, 2006, 1:57 pm



Considering my "professional student" status, i'm amazed i didn't discover the beauty of the book buy back before today!

Actually, i'm one of those people who just loves books. Also, i find that the class doesn't usually require reading through the entire thing, so i hold on to them to read completely... when i find the time.

Plus if the book pertains to my career path, i figure it doesn't hurt to add it to the library.

A few people in my family would disagree with this, but i don't believe one can have too many books. I get it from my step-father, i think... i just love to read and re-read.

However, the books i decided to part with today were seriously never going to get looked at again... so i sold them back to the school where they'll get more use than on my shelf... and made a quick ninety bucks.

Which oughta support my lunch and social habits for the next week or so. Yay! =^)

And i can only hope that someday soon my goal of not getting excited about a quick ninety dollars will realized.

Yes, soon.

What i'm listening to:
The Sweet Escape 4 in the Morning
Gwen Stefani
The Sweet Escape

Monday, December 4, 2006, 9:03 am

Leisure time with a bit of envy...

So, another work week begins. Add to that the last week of classes... i might just have some leisure time right around the corner!

Hopefully i can finish getting my house in order. That is my big plan for the break since i'll have a month with no homework to worry about... which is something i've not had since last winter break.

And, there's a week in there that the gym will be closed... =^(

Last evening, i got a twinge of envy from T about my weight loss. She was going on about how i've lost so much weight since we met in May and how she thinks she looks a little thick.

Please... she looks like a model! She's gorgeous! Anyone who tells her otherwise is smoking something!

I don't know if she believes me when i tell her i think she's amazing... but i do like the expression that flashes across her face when i say it. Whether she believes me or not, i do mean it.

I suppose i still am a bit shocked that she likes me and thinks i'm cute. So, in that regard i guess i see why she flusters at my compliments too.

At least she's a lot of fun to hang out with... and to get to know.

Anyway, she said she'd call sometime this week so we can get together... we'll see what happens! =^)

What i'm listening to:
The Sweet Escape Wonderful Life
Gwen Stefani
The Sweet Escape