Monday, December 4, 2006, 1:57 pm



Considering my "professional student" status, i'm amazed i didn't discover the beauty of the book buy back before today!

Actually, i'm one of those people who just loves books. Also, i find that the class doesn't usually require reading through the entire thing, so i hold on to them to read completely... when i find the time.

Plus if the book pertains to my career path, i figure it doesn't hurt to add it to the library.

A few people in my family would disagree with this, but i don't believe one can have too many books. I get it from my step-father, i think... i just love to read and re-read.

However, the books i decided to part with today were seriously never going to get looked at again... so i sold them back to the school where they'll get more use than on my shelf... and made a quick ninety bucks.

Which oughta support my lunch and social habits for the next week or so. Yay! =^)

And i can only hope that someday soon my goal of not getting excited about a quick ninety dollars will realized.

Yes, soon.

What i'm listening to:
The Sweet Escape 4 in the Morning
Gwen Stefani
The Sweet Escape