Thursday, May 27, 2021, 9:26 am

I have simplified my requirements. For women, that is.
Just one requirement, really:
- She doesn’t have to be an Instagram model/influencer. Just look like she could be.
Yes, I’m shallow—we’ve already established that.
Note, I didn’t say she has to BE an Instagram model, not that I’d refuse. She just has to possess that capability. Honestly, as little as I social media, if she lives in the real world instead, that’s a definite plus as well.
Sometimes we just need a li’l nudge. To remember. If the pretty girls are like unicorns on your daily adventure, perhaps it’s time to go where unicorns are spotted.
Like the gym. Or the coffee shop. Or Los Angeles.
Or the lake. Where everyday is lake day.
Perhaps I’m not where I need to be to realize what I want. What I need. Perhaps, there’s a reason why the perfect girl only lives in fantasies and fairy tales.
Because I don’t live where the unicorns live.
I live where so many have given up. On dreams. On life. On looks. On health.
Adventure calls. There must be more out there… even if Instagram girls prove to be more fantasy than reality, I see glimpses in the wild that provide evidence the girls I seek exist.
Surround myself with enough of them, and maybe I won’t get so attached to that. one. girl.
When abundance is only available in theory, it’s time to find a way to put it in practice.
I owe it to every beauty I meet.
I owe it to myself.

Dua Lipa
We’re Good