Monday, May 24, 2021, 8:14 pm
Still learning?

There is so much I do right.
Proof that I am (or at least can be) cool. That I’ve come so far since high school.
That I’m not a jackass.
Then, of course, you walk in.
You. are. so. incredibly. beautiful.
Seriously, I have never seen anyone like you. The inexperienced li’l boy leaps out of my body and runs over to you.
You handle him so gracefully. You patronize him.
Yet, deep inside, you’re ready for him to leave. Perhaps you even wonder what happened? Where he came from?
After all, you used to think I was cool. That I wasn’t a jackass. In fact, your eyes used to light up when I walked in the room…
I may still miss those conversations. And the texts. And the selfies.
Yes, you were my girl. For a moment, anyway.
In hindsight, I know what I’m doing wrong. Even after today.
My God, even at the gym, you look incredible. And you came over, we hugged, and there was a glimmer of that light I remembered.
I didn’t stop. I didn’t let it go. I didn’t walk away. I pushed. I talked about myself.
I need to wear a bell. For more reason than one.
With you, I consistently and repeatedly blow it.
You can’t be the only one. Yes, you are special. Maybe even unique.
Yet, I am surrounded by beauty. Even now, in the coffee shop, there are three beauties to talk to. Instead of writing about you. Do I even understand abundance yet?
Hmmm… do I?
In fact, three more have just walked in. The universe. is. responding.
Wow. Relax. Breathe. Say, “hello.” And walk away.
I am curious. Are you wearing red lipstick to match that lovely red dress and those red Chucks? Either way, I love it.
I am thrilled to witness such beauty. Do I need anything else?
The more I learn, the less I know…
My school didn’t teach aptitude.