Wednesday, July 10, 2019, 5:02 pm
Failure to communicate

The following quote by George Bernard Shaw appeared in my email last week... and it really resonated with me.
The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.
How true is that?
Yet, we’re all guilty. I know I am.
I phone worse than most. As I previously stated, I don’t use it for that. My behavior runs deeper though. I will read a text when I get a moment to glance at my phone, and frequently formulate the response in my head. Sometimes that is as far as it gets. I assume I sent the text... yet I didn’t.
Then there are other times phones are hard. I’ll actually type out the text, and forget to hit send. Stupid? Perhaps...
However, one of the recent lessons in my life is to take nothing for granted. If I think she’s beautiful—I need to tell her. What’s the worst thing that could happen?
So, communication is key. Why not talk to this beautiful girl? Or that one? Find out about her. Pay attention to what she says. Riff off of that.
Too many people I know think about what they’re going to say next instead of listening. It’s rude. It’s not authentic. And it’s the reason we don’t really know each other.
Don't just be usin' the time that I'm talkin' to be thinkin' 'bout what you gonna say next.
Be curious. Talk. Be social.