Wednesday, March 13, 2019, 6:33 am
It's complicated

Why do we tend towards narcissistic tendencies? Why is it so complicated? Why must every day be a struggle? A battle from zero?
One guru I admire and follow tells me he never second guesses himself. He never even considers he may have said the wrong thing. Or done the wrong thing.
Another teaches not to take anything personally.
A third says to be aware of “I” and me’s effect on I. And that our feelings don’t define us. And that no one else’s love, etc. is more important that our awareness.
Yet, we do. People are wired to be the center of the matrix. It’s my story. It all revolves around me.
If she disappears from my life, I MUST have done something to do deserve this.
Yet, this is likely not the case.
She is the center of her story. She has wants, needs, desires. Maybe she is stuck in her head... flipping out over something she said, something she did, something she didn’t do.
Dammit! It’s NOT all about me. Stop second guessing. Stop taking everything so personally.
Only then can I truly grow.
And trust it’s okay to reach out to her. She may just need me right now.
Never mind...

Bob Welch
French Kiss