Thursday, March 30, 2017, 10:38 am
Gap-toothed grin

Many moons ago I wrote a post about breaking a tooth, and how it might affect my appearance.
Since I am a baller on a budget with inadequate health and dental insurance, I have taken steps to get my teeth taken care of. I’m back under a regimen of cleanings and whitenings and exams to monitor the progression of decay of my teeth. Basic Adulting 101, right?
However, the tooth in question was in a state of advanced decay when it broke. The only long lasting option presented to me was to pull it and get an implant... and with how implant technology has evolved. No one will ever know.
However, implants are expensive. Even with adequate health and dental care. So, in the course of life and career transitions over the last couple of years, we’ve been in a “wait and see” mode.
Well, this week the remainder of the tooth above the root broke off. I officially have the hockey mouth I feared. And, while I still intend to get this taken care of as soon as I am able, the biggest a-ha is...
No one has noticed.
Even looking in the mirror... unless I catch a smile from just the right angle, it really isn’t that noticeable.
Interesting. Maybe I can focus on areas other than my vain personality.

John Mellencamp
The Lonesome Jubilee