Wednesday, February 18, 2015, 4:18 pm
free toothbrushes...

I have finally been assaulted by my poor dental habits.
Last week, I broke a tooth. Interestingly, it’s not a painful experience at all. I have broken teeth in the past, yet I haven’t had one tip me to the point of getting it “taken care of.”
Until now.
Why now?
This one, upon the next break, threatens my vanity... my ego. Who knew?
Because of the state of neglect with my dental hygiene, I’ve considered having work done. I am convinced that having the work done will do wonders for how I feel. Maybe even how I feel about life in general.
So, this is the next step of my journey. We’ll see what can be done, and hopefully not spend a colossal amount of money getting it done.
It’s got to be a better alternative than “hockey mouth.” Especially since I don’t skate well enough to pass myself off as a hockey player... which is too bad. That could have been a fun story!

Bruce Springsteen
Tunnel of Love