Thursday, May 31, 2018, 3:07 pm

And that body...

Then there’s the beautiful bartender with the amazing tits body.

It isn’t appropriate to compliment her on her figure... or more specifically, her boobs... is it?

This. This is the way I was raised.

Girls don’t like being complimented on their bodies. They’d rather be complimented on what they can control.


My entire world is a lie. Once again, I. Am. Wrong.

Sure, she feigns shock at the comment about her boobs. She even diffuses the tension by stating we don’t need to talk about that.

But did I detect a hint of a blush?

Women aren’t men. Men get up, throw on something that doesn’t stink, and go out.

But women...

She knew how she looked when she left her house. She knew her tits were on point last night. She knew she looked good. Every bit of how she looked was planned.

So, as long as the compliment comes from a place of authenticity... why not compliment her on how she looks?

I am so shook.

She knows when her tits look great. Encourage that and tell her. In a world where so many women try to hide their bodies, because, let’s face it, there are some creepy dudes out there... we need to encourage our ladies to look great. For themselves. For us. For everyone.

Thursday, May 31, 2018, 6:58 am

Wrong way

Then there’s that moment when your best friend points out you’re wrong... that you’ve always been wrong.

Well, there you have it. I’m wrong. I’ve always been wrong.

Some of my biggest regrets come from being wrong. Perhaps she’d still be in my life right now... if I’d only just gone for it.


I know HOW to go for the kiss, yet I can’t seem to ascertain WHEN to go for the kiss. As he pointed out last night: Why not too soon? What’s the worst that could happen?


I haven’t been rejected when I’ve gone in for a kiss, so far. So, where’s this fear coming from?

When she’s looking at you with those doe-eyes. When she’s licking her lips. When she’s lingering in your arms just a beat too long.

She’s ready.

Damn it, man! Take the risk. Kiss the girl.

All the aquatic creatures in the movie can’t be wrong, right?

Hell, just last night I read Tom Cruise dropped his line in Top Gun after his chase scene with Kelly McGillis... so he went in for the kiss. The director liked it so much, he went with it. It’s natural.

Be natural.

What i'm listening to:
Ponderous This Is Ponderous