Sunday, October 3, 2021, 9:37 pm

F*cking Robert Frost

Fun fact: I love traveling and seeing new things. New experiences. &c.

Okay, maybe you knew that. If you’ve read this blog, much. Or follow me on the social media. Oh, wait.

Well, my Snatchers and Instafollowers know, anyway.

Anyway, the wanderlust was beginning to consume me again, so I opted to explore upper Michigan for the weekend. Yet, this half of the state is vast… where should I go?

I’m so close to Lake Superior. The Greatest Lake. As such, it’s also huge, so… where along the shoreline?

I chose Chapel Rock. It’s a short, well-trafficked hike, and looks incredible in pictures. Let’s go!

The trailhead is at the end of a rough road. A very rough road. Why the guy in front of me brought his Infiniti, I’ll never know…

Apparently, there is a place to get maps. The trailhead is not the place. They have one posted at the trailhead, so I snapped a picture on my phone. At least it’s something.

The entire trek to the Chapel Rock beach, 3.5 miles, I am encountering other hikers every fifteen minutes… at the most. There are a lot of people out here.

A lot of girls. Cute girls. I like it here. Incredible.

Some of the groups are noisy. Talking amongst themselves. Telling stories. I am glad I’m alone.

Will I ever find traveling companions that don’t chatter? Who knows?

And there’s a Mexican couple as well. Why must they listen to music on their phone?

Perhaps I am the only one who enjoys the sound(s) of nature. And other people chattering.

Three-ish miles later, I find the lake. And Chapel Rock. Incredible.

Seriously. It feels like the edge of the world.

The Mexican girl arrived only two minutes before I did. Her cries of joy and awe didn’t even prepare me for the sight.

Wow. Incredible.

The rocks. The cliff. The lake. The white sand beach. The water is so clear. So cold. Incredible.

I must have explored the area for an hour.

And I found a trail that headed away from the beach. Complete with a boardwalk for part of the trail. Perfect. I still might make it back to Wisconsin in time for dinner. With a couple of cute girls. And dessert.

My watch says I’m making good time. A half mile passes. A mile.

And I notice… I haven’t seen. A soul. Since the beach.

Okay, Robert Frost. I guess this is the path less traveled.

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