Monday, August 14, 2017, 10:36 am

Timely message

Some days, I’m amazed at the synchronicity appearing in my daily life.

I’ve been thinking a lot about synchronicity lately, and for good reason. I’ve noticed good (hell, great!) things happen when I’m in a good/great head space. It’s like the universe is trying to tell me something (more on this later).

This morning, after writing my previous post, I receive this nugget of wisdom in my email:

You have to force the ship where you want it to go.

Many things in life change, yet this doesn’t. If you’re depressed, tired, sore, having a bad day—you still have to steer the ship where you want it to go. If you have a flat tire, stain your best shirt, break up with your girlfriend, or whatever—you still have to steer the ship where you want it to go.

Be aware of this. If you let the ship steer itself, you’ll get nowhere.

Monday, August 14, 2017, 6:25 am

Tales of a high school test-taker

Growing up, a lot of my friends were annoyed with me. I was one of those “gifted” with that natural test-taking ability.

What does that mean?

I never really had to cram for a test. I never even really had to study for a test. If I read the material within a couple of weeks before the test, I’m good. I’ve got it.

Okay, so that’s not necessarily true with math, but I’m naturally good at math. I’d occasionally get in trouble because I can compute the answer and I’d find it bothersome to write down the work afterwards... after all, I didn’t need the work to come up with the answer.

Later in high school, and in college, I did learn some techniques to actually LEARN the material. The most valuable technique I used was to take notes while reading the textbook and during the lectures, then block off time for that evening to re-copy those notes into a new notebook.

I recall enjoying building that new notebook. I put real effort into it, with real drawings, multiple colors, ensuring the text is readable and uniform. It was a one of those 3-subject notebooks, with superb and detailed notes from my biology, psychology and political science classes.

I was so proud of it, I couldn’t help showing it off to a cute young lady I was tutoring in biology the next year. Her name was Karen.

She persuaded me to let her borrow the notebook. I never saw it again.

Somehow, that sapped my energy to ever create another notebook compiled from notes. I finished my academic career taking a lot of notes, but found that reviewing the notes taken during lecture was sufficient to passing the test. The final exams too.

Fast forward to today. I still take a lot of notes. I work with life coaches, I’m a seminar junkie, and I devour self-help books and audio. I’m hungry to evolve.

There’s the rub. Evolve.

Today, it occurs to me to ask myself the question, am I really learning? Am I evolving?

I’m reading so much. I’m listening to fantastic information—information that when applied can/will drastically improve my life. I’m filling notebooks and draining ballpoint pens.

No. I’m not. And it’s time to turn this ship around.

All of this wonderful information I have written down, is still on the tip of my thoughts. It’s waiting to be reviewed.

More importantly, it’s just waiting to be applied. I owe it to myself to wake up. To apply these techniques. To change myself from within with this value.

Take note: test-taking is NOT a valuable life skill. If you’re reading this, and you recognize yourself... follow me. Take the time. Do the work. Forget the test. It’s worth it.

It’s time to stop testing and start learning. I’ve only myself and my arrogance to blame for leaving myself behind. Time to forgive myself and apply these skills.

Only a new and rich life awaits.

What i'm listening to:
Will to Power Searchin’
Will to Power
Will to Power