Monday, August 14, 2017, 10:36 am
Timely message

Some days, I’m amazed at the synchronicity appearing in my daily life.
I’ve been thinking a lot about synchronicity lately, and for good reason. I’ve noticed good (hell, great!) things happen when I’m in a good/great head space. It’s like the universe is trying to tell me something (more on this later).
This morning, after writing my previous post, I receive this nugget of wisdom in my email:
You have to force the ship where you want it to go.
Many things in life change, yet this doesn’t. If you’re depressed, tired, sore, having a bad day—you still have to steer the ship where you want it to go. If you have a flat tire, stain your best shirt, break up with your girlfriend, or whatever—you still have to steer the ship where you want it to go.
Be aware of this. If you let the ship steer itself, you’ll get nowhere.