Saturday, June 18, 2022, 6:04 am
Yellow hearts and smileys

Oh, Snapchat.
How I hate to love you. And love to hate you.
That sense of joy—and dread—when that yellow heart appears. Or disappears. What is the metric that determines that? Exactly?
When you’re best girl is pissed, and doesn’t respond for a week. The yellow heart transfers to the next best girl. And your best slips a notch. Or six.
Then she’s back. We’re messaging. The bond is stronger than ever. Eight days go by. Nine.
Number two is going to get the red heart after all!
Day ten, flip. Messaging both girls heavily. Did she flinch when the icon changed? Not to the red heart, but to the smiley?
Clearly, I spend entirely too much time thinking about how Snapchat functions…