Monday, May 9, 2022, 6:57 am
New direction

Some days, I wonder if everything I do is wrong. Or everything I know. It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s both.
I am making strides in the right direction. Awareness is curative, right? Being aware of old patterns helps deflect them, right?
Take, for instance, women… because why not?
I want women in my life. Naturally. And while I adore the women currently in my life, only one or two actually have the means to respond immediately to join me on my whims.
To spend a week naked in a Marriott bed. Or to fly to Ibiza. Or to backpack across the Carpathian mountains. Or the Adirondacks. Or to simply sip Mai Tais on a beach in the Caribbean for three days.
Yet, perhaps there is power in this awareness as well. And this budding realization that the universe will provide… if only we ask and meet it part way.
Manifestation. Women of means and a desire to travel the world cannot resist me!
Wait, let’s rewrite that. “Cannot resist” is confusing. What is a powerful antonym for resist?
How is this?
I am irresistible to women of means with a desire to travel the world.
Wait, even better…
Women of means and a desire to travel are compelled to join me on adventures.
On a similar note, how powerful is it to realize that one (you, I) can eject from our lives in an instant? Simply walk away from those women, jobs, lives.
Are there consequences? Certainly. Do we get trapped in the agony of overthinking consequences BEFORE we act? Certainly. Yet the power is there.
And it is calling.
What if the universe will help us mitigate these consequences… if we only meet it part way. Maybe not even halfway. We just need to make the effort to turn the ship towards the life we want. I want. And the water and the wind will do the rest.
Food for thought. Food for action. Nothing is permanent. Nothing should be. Incredible.

Christopher Cross
Christopher Cross