Thursday, April 7, 2022, 8:41 am
Right here, right now

“What do you want from her?”
When I saw this question I stopped. Full stop. And stared at it for several minutes.
So simple. It lies at the root of every interaction. With this question in mind, you cannot possibly fuck it up.
Yet, looking back, I am aware of just how often this question gets lost. In the feelings. In the noise. In life. When we retreat into our heads. When we start thinking, “God, I don’t want to fuck this up.”
Our saboteurs are funny that way.
That grand question of “What do I want?” is far too complicated. How can we not crawl into the safety of our thoughts?
“What do I want from her?”
This beauty. Right in front of me. Right now. We know. And this. This is desire.