Monday, March 28, 2022, 5:10 pm
What if I can't stop?

I told another lie today.
I told you I don’t want to see you. When that’s all I want. Is to see you.
I said I don’t want to feel like a charlatan. What if I am a charlatan? Will it be okay to feel like one then?
No, I want to see you. What I don’t want, is for you to see me like this. Agonizing. Over what I have done. How I have arrived here.
I am grateful to have met you. To share a part of your life. I may have made poor decisions in my life, yet they have led me to you.
I am not ready, however. I may never be. So few have influenced me in this way. So few have made me wish I had handled this ages ago. Poured the lies onto a page. Burned every bridge. So I can show up with you. So I can be the man who excites you. Who brings you joy. Who lights up your eyes and flushes your cheeks and makes you wet.
I want to see you. I want to explore every inch of you. I want to taste you. I want to delve deep inside you.
If only I could tell you…