Saturday, October 2, 2021, 8:54 pm
Imperial concubine

I discovered a new Thai restaurant tonight.
New to me, anyway. Traveling in the UP of Michigan.
What is it about Asian restaurants? Where do they find these tables?
I. Was. Mesmerized. by the art on my table.
Seriously, I want this art. Hanging. In my flat.
So, how do I go about finding it? This. Is a great question.
This. Is why God gave us the internet, right? So, I snapped a picture of the tabletop.
Certainly, it’s a “reproduction” of a real Chinese silk painting, right?
So far, the internet has failed me. Image search engines, as wonderful as they are, failed me.
Wait! There’s text on the artwork! That’ll help, right?
貴妃 出浴
Translation apps tell me this reads: Imperial Concubine.
More web searching. Nothing.
Some similar Chinese silk paintings. But not this one.
Thanks. My obsession is fully triggered. Now I MUST have this art. In my flat.
How do I go about finding it? Suggestions? Certainly, this table. Isn’t. The only one.