Friday, August 27, 2021, 11:05 am
Waking up is hard to do

It is nearly noon. Okay, maybe not… but it feels like it.
And I’m still in bed. It’s wet and cloudy outside, and I am struggling.
Most days? No, that’s not it. Many? Maybe.
The rain dampens it, that’s for sure. Sometimes I feel Karma playing another joke on me. You see, I was invited to hang out on a boat today. With my friend from college. And six hot college girls. All day today and tomorrow.
Bikinis and water and bikinis and beer and bikinis and skiing and bikinis and food and bikinis and sun and maybe a slinky dress… or six.
I’ve known about it for a month.
Knowing Karma as I do… I should have predicted the stormy day.
Needless to say, we’re getting a late start.
Which is fine. As I mentioned, I’m not necessarily an early riser. Or a mid-afternoon riser.
Narcolepsy is my life. Accepting that has made me happy.
Plus, somehow I have dismissed the insomnia that used to plague me.
Oh, I was up at four in the morning this morning, but that was by choice. Talking with good men all over the globe at a previously arranged time. It’s camaraderie that I value. Immensely.
And it requires I divide my nightly recharge into a couple of four hour segments. It’s worked well for a while. Even if I drag a bit on the Friday following the call.
Yet soon, I’ll venture into the out. I’ll pack some drinks and some snacks and some tequila and some clothes and some rubbers. I’ll meet up with my friend. And maybe, just maybe, the clouds will part and I’ll meet his college friends. And their bikinis.