Thursday, July 22, 2021, 8:56 pm
One-hundred sixty-eight hours

Fourteen years later, and not a single result from the Google can confirm or deny this.
Yet it’s true. I swear I’m not going mad. About this anyway.
Every 168 hours, my original AppleTV reboots. Inexplicably.
I don’t know why. No one else has ever written about this apparent “feature.”
Yet it does. Every 168 hours. Seven days. One week.
And I’ve had three of these AppleTVs (they really are the best). And every week, every one of them reboots.
So, why am I writing about this fourteen years later?
Well, you see, I brought one of these glorious devices with me into my tiny cottage in the woods. A guy should be able to watch Zack Snyder’s Justice League when he wants, after all.
The AppleTV I selected for this adventure has lost her way. Thanks to the weekly reboot, I came home to the blinking amber light.
It’s stuck. In a reboot loop. I need to pop out and replace the backup battery, that’ll fix it.
IF my AppleTV didn’t insist on rebooting every 168 hours, we wouldn’t be stuck. In a reboot loop.
It was fat and happy when I left for work earlier.
Apple. has. lost. it’s. way. Period.
And I’d still like to know I’m not the only person in the world who has noticed this behavior (or maybe I truly am). And I’d love to know why it exists. And I’d love to find a way to override it. And I’d love to see an uptime of, say, 169 hours on an AppleTV.
Just. Once.
