Monday, October 16, 2006, 8:53 am
Attack of the "fat" pants...

Things i've learned this early in this very young day:
I definitely need to pack my "fat" pants in a box or something. These jeans i've worn over the last couple of years are just waaaay too loose to wear in public... even with a belt! They bunch up and are very uncomfortable.
If i were confident i could stay at my current waistline, i'd just send 'em to Goodwill... they were, after all, a gift from C. However, with winter coming and my appetite persisting, i'd better not take the chance just yet.
But, they at least need to get packed in a box and moved to the basement... so when i'm running late in the a.m. (like most mornings), and my mind is in a fog (like most mornings), i don't grab them by mistake only to have them drop around my ankles when i'm getting into the car.
This morning was a bit later than i've been running lately. I ended up talking to T2 until two in the morning... seems she is no longer dating anyone. We'll see what happens there... i'm probably still a li'l too damaged to get my hopes up.
Yep, we'll see.
I can't believe i forgot to bring my iPod to work today. Grrr.
On a side note, this week (and last) there are some auditors visiting the office. One of them is absolutely adorable! Who would have thought? I suppose it is a good thing i'm not the one being audited! =^)
Anyway, this week should prove to be hectic. My paper in Colonial History is finally due this Wednesday, and then fall break begins. This is the first year in the last several i'm not booked on a flight to Billings, Montana.
I'll have to endeavor not to let that get me down. Of course, last year, i was booked on the flight and opted not to go because C and I were broken up at the time... it's hard to believe i can afford to eat an occasional plane ticket! That was a decision that i had really grown to regret... until April, that is.
My, it is astonishing how much can change in a year!
While i'm on the subject of change... yesterday's workout was a real ball-buster. I'm used to being sore the day after a workout... and usually not until the second day after a workout. The shoulder workout yesterday, however, had me sore almost before i left the gym. I suppose that is a good thing. My trainer said that if the workouts get easy, i'm not doing enough. It would be enough to stay healthy, but not enough to see the results i'm looking for.
Last night, i had someone i hadn't talked to since July compliment me on how i looked... and since she's very nice looking, it was pretty valuable!
Just a few more "fatty" areas to work on... but it's kind of weird that i'm no longer self-conscious about females touching/feeling/grabbing areas of my body. Ok, not weird... it's cool, because i know how tight i feel underneath their touch.
And that is what will keep the fat pants in their box. I will mark a date on the box, and when they have been in the box for a year, then they can go to Goodwill.
Sounds like a plan!

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