Sunday, June 27, 2021, 6:17 pm

I don’t even know your name.
Yet, I’m enchanted by you. We talked and shared drinks for nearly an hour. Several times, to emphasize a point, or perhaps to convey our connection, our energy, you touched my shoulder, my arm. And I, your leg, your arm.
All I could think about, is what you might be like in bed. And you could feel it. The twinkle in your eyes. The way you pushed out your breasts.
Oh, your lovely breasts.
You shared so much of your life story. And I mine.
You called me eccentric. You may be right. You called me out on my need for reading glasses. I know you’re right.
And then you were gone. And I don’t even know your name.
You did, however, tell me where to find you. And to come see you. And I will. Of course, I will. You’re a fucking beauty.
I’m betting you’ll fantasize about me tonight. I know I’m fantasizing about you. We’ll meet again.

Glass Animals