Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 4:50 am
I drank what?

As a student, I have discovered one absolute truth:
The more I learn about women, the less I know.
Wait… let’s try that again.
The more I learnabout women, the less I know.
At first, I set out to become a student of women. Yet, as in high school, I find I am a poor student. Nevertheless, I tend to run with my small victories.
Should you meet me out in the wild, you’ll see that women love me.
Then the time came to expand my studies to include life. If you’ve spent any time reading this space, you’ll discover that a considerable amount of my life has been… unhappy. Woes with women. Woes with career. Woes with life.
Finally, there’s pleasure. Oddly, with pleasure came more unhappiness—and a need for balance.
A balance between my love for food and my desire to be healthy. A balance between my need for money and free time. A balance between bringing her to orgasm and… well, let’s say I haven’t found that counterbalance yet.
Yet, even though I have forgotten more about pleasure than she has likely ever known, I think it is safe to say that I still know nothing. True wisdom? Perhaps.
I hate thinking.
And I do too much of it.
If I’m losing you—and her—it’s because I’m thinking. I don’t know what to say. What to do. And I lack the faith to just say it. And do it.
And this space swings from something one might enjoy reading and actually getting something from… to yet another dying emo blog.
Because emo blogs don’t really exist anymore. And for good reason.
What a waste of electrons!
For many, writing down their mistakes and shortcomings are a great way to work through them.
For many.
Yet, looking back, I don’t seem to actually learn anything. Same problem. Different day.
I don’t need pepperoni pizza with drizzled chili-infused honey on it today. I DO need to bite her in THAT spot. Right. There. And keep stacking that cash. And doing those push-ups.
At least, I seem to be thinking less. And maybe that will make all of the difference.
The only true wisdom consists in knowing that you know nothing.
That’s me!