Friday, June 11, 2021, 8:27 am
Tragic character

I had a revelation yesterday.
I am continuously approached by beautiful women.
Have I noticed this before? Or am I that oblivious?
It’s so obvious. The Mexican beauty who keeps me fed. The beautiful new bartender who feels compelled to tell me her life story. The gorgeous army girlfriend who ventures across the room and talks for thirty minutes. The dazzling Jamaican who brings me home on the second night.
Yet, I am oblivious. How. do. I. not. know. what. to. do. about. this?
I get in my head. I don’t steer the conversation in the obvious direction. I put up walls.
Why would I let a beautiful young woman in my life?
Read that last question again... what am I, an idiot?
Will I really give any girl a chance to win me over? Or will I continue to listen to the haters (voices) in my head?
Why do I hear my grandmother’s voice telling me I’m older than her parents?
Does this really matter? After all, love is truly blind, deaf, dumb, and stupid.
Truly. Then again, apparently I am too. We can smell our own.
Sure, I’ll give any girl a chance to win me over... but girls don’t want to work that hard—especially if they’re having to jump through hoops and crawl through the swamp.
Okay, so now I’m aware of a bit more of my power. Awareness is curative, but it will only go so far.
The next big question: what will I do with this awareness? This power?

Santa Barbara