Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 8:18 am

A breath of winter...

A breath of winter...


Today, i apparently have nothing to say. I suppose it is fortuitous that i've always been someone who can talk a lot without saying anything, eh?

Actually, that was never my gift. C had a talent for that. She used to hate when i would sit silent on the phone because i just didn't have anything to say.

Well, just as i was beginning to enjoy the autumn colors, the weather turned cold, reminding me my least favorite time of year is upon us.

Maybe that's not entirely fair. Granted, i hate being cold... and this winter looks to be the worst in a while because i'll be sleeping alone... but i love the snow, and i've really grown to love my new bed and new sheets (whether someone else is there or not)!

However, having someone else in my life never really changed my feelings toward the silly season which is already looming in the shopping mall.

I've been thinking about where i was at this point last year. C and I were not together at this time last year... that time it was my fault, my stupidity. I won't go so far as to say it was a mistake... especially in light of what she would eventually do to me. In fact, it was something i needed to do, and the events of last October have actually helped me to deal with getting over C.

So, i've been doing a lot of reading lately. I think this is the first time since my return to university that i have managed to find time to read books that aren't school books. Well, i guess that remains to be seen... considering i've not yet completed all of my assigned reading. I have this terrible habit of picking up any book that a teacher, friend, or even someone i just met suggests. This month it is Confessions of St. Augustine and City of God, both suggested by my Colonial History professor.

With my workout schedule and all of my little side projects... it's no wonder i don't seem to have a lot of free time anymore! =^)

So, i suppose i should stop "reflecting" and get back to what i'm supposed to be doing, eh? ;^) I didn't do too bad for not having anything to say!

What i'm listening to:
Paris Nothing in this World
Paris Hilton