Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 12:46 pm

Dream within a dream

Have you ever slept so hard it was like you fell into a coma?

Further, while you were sleeping… did you ever dream that you fell asleep? At work? And awoke exhausted?

It’s like “dreamland” me is exhausted as well. Tara says I’m thinking too much, and it’s exhausting.

She’s not wrong.

Although, it could just be low-grade narcolepsy in action.

On another note, my dreamland alter ego is also going blind from macular degeneration. While I need reading glasses, I haven’t noticed if things are more in focus off-center. I hope it’s not a taste of things to come.

There is so much beauty in the world I have yet to see…

What i'm listening to:
This Is What the Truth Feels Like Make Me Like You
Gwen Stefani
This Is What the Truth Feels Like