Monday, October 9, 2006, 9:31 am

What a fabulous weekend!
I admit i got kind of a late start, having to work Friday night, but i took advantage of my free room coupon at the casino.
I didn't spend much time in the casino tho'. I wanted to get out of the house, because i have sooo many things to do around the house that when i try to do homework (which a good chunk of the weekend was devoted to), i get to looking around and thinking about what i need to do around the house.
Instead i should be able to concentrate on my homework. I have a paper in history due next week, and a couple of English papers as well.
Anyway, in the 30 minutes i spent in the casino, i invested $5 in one slot machine, won $40... moved that to the dollar slots and walked away from them with $250.
Not a bad return on five bucks! I ended up leaving with over $300 in my pocket when i left the next morning.
And the room was SOOO nice! There was no free internet access, but that usually turns out to be a blessing... fewer distractions when doing work on the computer!
Saturday, i picked up a couple of books i'd been looking for... a few apples to snack on and a bunch of grapes. Also did some of the house work i hadn't been able to find time to do. Finally got the "C" box moved to the basement... so i don't have to look at that anymore.
This weekend, i realized that i'm not in love with anyone. I don't know when that happened, but it is rather liberating and sad at the same time. However, not being in love with someone opens me up that much more when i do meet that special someone.
And after this weekend, confidence is high that will happen!
Saturday night, i did get stood up at the club... but i did meet someone new. Needless to say, she was a LOT of fun... of course, the circumstances were such that nothing will ever come of it, so that relieves some of the pressure, right? Hell, we didn't even exchange names!
And now, on Monday... i'm learning that i look sexy in my new turtleneck! =^)
I will admit, i'm a little conflicted about crossing lines that *maybe* i should not have crossed... but on the other hand, there's no point living if you can't feel alive.

The World Is Not Enough