Monday, April 19, 2021, 10:06 am
A li'l respect

Frequently, on this path of development, I have to remind myself I don’t need to understand everything.
Information is power? Knowledge is power?
Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe that is nonsense.
The need to understand becomes an excuse for analysis paralysis. Full stop. Don’t do anything without understanding all of the implications of the decision.
A fool’s errand, indeed.
It is easy to get distracted. Much of non-fiction out there is about our terrific leaders and innovators who had the foresight to do amazing things and make few, if any, missteps.
What if it isn’t foresight? What if they just tried something... and it worked?
However, there is value in having the right mindset for the game we’re all playing. The game of life is not like a sporting event. There are no winners or losers. After I’m dead and gone, whether I have a legacy to contribute or not, the game will continue on without me.
Without you too.
Yet, we still struggle in life. Change is all around us—possibly the only thing all around us. We like our creature comforts, and we resist this change.
For instance, there’s this young lady I know. She doesn’t believe in binary genders, and therefore does not want to be referred to as “she” or “her,” but rather “they” or “them.”
Her their reasoning... is honestly none of my business. I have entertained the possibility of going out for drinks and asking the question, “Why?”
And we are friends. I’m certain I would receive a clear and well-constructed answer—one that might even help me adapt to this change and flub up... less.
However, the reason doesn’t really matter. That I respect this person does.
It doesn’t matter that I have visions of angry nuns poised with steel rulers—ready to swat me at any “misuse” of my pronouns.
As far as the many facets of the game of life... does my perception of using pronouns correctly really matter? Perhaps, it is more advantageous to respect others to whom which pronoun is used matters.
Doubtless, when I am on auto-pilot... and those moments do happen... I will still refer to biological genders. It is a habit. Yet I hope they know that I still love them and any missteps will come from a place of respect. And maybe that’s what it’s all about.
The world would be a better place if we came from a place of love and respect. Not ignorance.
We should all be aware that our chosen battles are not the only ones that matter. To each of us—the lead in our own movie—our choices, and our passions, are ours alone. And not subject to the judgements of others.
And we don’t need to understand why others take up the passions they do.
It is far better to bring a smile to other’s faces, than to attempt (in vain) to prove that you are right.