Saturday, April 17, 2021, 9:30 am
The mouth-breather menace

I suppose I should be grateful. It has been a minute since I’ve caught a head cold.
I saw it coming. There were a few signs. One of them surprised me though...
Increased ear wax? No, I’ve known about that tell.
Weight gain? This one was new to me.
It makes sense though. Immunity response to a viral invasion increases inflammation. Inflammation combined with water retention leads to...
Well, let’s say I nearly fell off the scale. However, science suggests that ten pounds of fat cannot appear overnight. Retaining ten pounds of extra water, though, is a distinct possibility.
Ugh. So, I guess I’ll join the millions who ignore the scale. If only until I can breathe through my nose again.
These are interesting times. A head cold may not be just a head cold.
Yes, the legions of fear have affected me too. Could these symptoms be part of another, nastier virus?
After reading through two or three different sources, I couldn’t find anything conclusive. I’m amazed that in this post-information age, there is so much information that it is merely noise. And hardly anything useful within that noise.
Do I have the VID? Well, I don’t THINK so. I suppose time will tell...
For now, I’ll just keep on living my best life—minus breathing through my nose.
Needless to say, after last month’s shit show, I will be reporting to work this week.