Friday, January 22, 2021, 12:20 pm
In a dark, dark room

When I was in middle school, I read this fascinating book that introduced me to the magic of the scary story.
The kind you tell in the dark. Or around a campfire.
As I recall, there were two or three of these collections of short horror stories. Yet, I’ve never been able to remember enough of any of these stories to Google any of them. Which almost makes sense, as the books predate the “information age.”
More on that later.
Anyway, yesterday I remembered something. There was this story.
Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. Girl is always wearing the same scarf… and refuses to take it off.
And I’ll stop there. That was enough to Google. And now the book is waiting patiently for me to place my next Amazon order.
I was afraid that memory was lost forever. Like. That. Other. Book.
Certainly, I can’t be the only one that remembers songs, stories, &c. from my past in dreams… can I?