Thursday, January 14, 2021, 5:35 am

For further reading

Another year has passed. And I am still reading. Perhaps not as much as I was, but quite a bit.

There are times it feels like I do nothing but read. Others I crave something that’ll challenge my mind.

Am I wasting my time? Possibly.

One thing I learn from journaling/blogging is that in spite of whatever honorable intentions I may have, change is hard.

Why should I ever want to be uncomfortable? I have my heating pad and my chocolate pudding and my crushed Oreos and my gummi worms and...

Everything I could ever... want. Right?

If I really “wanted” something, why is it nearly impossible to convince myself to take any steps to go get it?

So, I read. About others. And I’ll read more.

I digress. Here is the 2020 list—for posterity:

  1. Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
  2. You Are a Badass - Jen Sincero
  3. On the Road - Jack Kerouac
  4. The Art of Seduction - Robert Greene
  5. The Consolation of Philosophy - Anicius Boethius
  6. Wanderer - Sterling Hayden
  7. Antifragile - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  8. The Alabaster Girl - Zan Perrion
  9. Prohibition in Kansas - Robert Smith Bader
  10. Wizard’s First Rule - Terry Goodkind
  11. Up in the Air - Walter Kirn
  12. The Dying Animal - Philip Roth
  13. The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
  14. The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  15. Stealing Fire - Jamie Wheal & Steven Kotler
  16. Influence - Robert B. Cialdini
  17. The Lonesome Gods - Louis L’Amour
  18. Thinner - Stephen King
  19. Games People Play - Eric Berne
  20. Tropic of Cancer - Henry Miller
  21. Vagabonding - Rolf Potts
  22. Resisting Happiness - Matthew Kelly