Monday, September 21, 2020, 11:18 am
nothing happened

I feel bad for you.
I don’t think about you at all.
While I’ve been agonizing over my latest crush, a friend offerred me another perspective, from her point of view.
Nothing happened. Nothing changed.
So, I am possibly going insane. The connection was so incredible. So unmistakeable. So heartbreaking.
Yet only for me. Nothing happened.
To her, it didn’t get weird. She just simply stopped messaging. The excitement faded.
Perhaps it really is that simple. It doesn’t make it any less painful.
Yes, I know there will be others. Yet, while I may ALREADY have her phone number, what if it’s me? When logistics get in the way, and we go hours, days, weeks without seeing each other, how can I keep the excitement going? Via text, phone, Snapchat. How?
It’s soul crushing to feel just how unworthy it feels when nothing happened. Like it was all in my own mind. I must get this unworthiness handled. And this texting thing.
I must.
Before another line is cut.

Miley Cyrus
Midnight Sky