Saturday, July 18, 2020, 3:37 pm
Suggesting improvements

I must admit, I am a fan of Snapchat. In a world where social media runs amok, Snap just fits my target audience… perfectly.
However, there are some… annoyances with Snap that could be addressed to make the experience even better.
Part of Snap’s appeal is the way messages disappear. However, this benefit of Snap is lessened when badges are awarded.
Check this out: You meet a beautiful girl out and about. You exchange Snap information. She has a boyfriend—one that she doesn’t necessarily see the rest of her life with, yet keeps her comfortable and she enjoys spending time with. She’s always shopping though…
So, you use the Snap vehicle and start chatting. And Snapping. A lot.
Snap, in all it’s innocence awards the two of you the “Best Friends” badge, and a li’l flame because you’ve Snapped three days in a row.
Put yourself in her shoes. Now, if he looks at her phone, she has some explaining to do. Who is this jackass? Why are you talking so much? We don’t even have a Snapstreak!
Why not add a “per friend” setting? One that allows us to not collect badges. Or streaks. Then there’s less pressure. To keep the streak. Or to stop talking.
Am I a homewrecker? Perhaps. Again, girls tend to shop for the next model…
Plus, bragging about how much your communicating with your new “friend” kind of defeats the purpose of making the messages disappear in the first place.
Maybe there’s an app for what I’m describing… but Snap already has the audience. Everyone is on Snap. We don’t need Snap to act as our conscience… everyone has one of those.
Also, as someone who flies to get around, I’d love for a way to override Snap’s “hiding” of the Speed sticker. Maybe have us sign a disclaimer or something?
When one is flying, or a passenger, or whatever, Snap is notoriously hit-or-miss as to whether you can advertise your speed.
If I’m going 170mph across the sky, that’s kind of cool. But if I’m anywhere near a major highway, does Snap really think I’m driving? Especially since Snap seems to know my altitude as well?
Snap is for showing off. Which is likely why people have wrecked at high speeds. Yet it seems like an argument for Darwinism in action to me. Maybe I am insensitive.
I’ve been called worse.
Finally, please, for the love of all that is holy, give us the ability to provide feedback to your geolocation system. Businesses come and businesses go, yet there seems to be no viable way to update these.
How are we supposed to hype up a new place? Or correct the spelling? I am not eating Mongolian food at the Home Depot. Or eating Mexican food at a diving supply shop.
Yes, I eat a lot. But I digress.
Please, Snapchat, take these suggestions under advisement. Please.