Friday, July 17, 2020, 9:56 am
Eating vegans

I read an interesting nugget on the nature of lions as opposed to their prey. I am surprised it had never registered to me consciously before... as it explains a lot about diet v. exercise and aberrations such as vegans.
Herbivores, otherwise known as cows, elephants, and vegans, tend to expend a lot of energy standing around and eating. And they’re always eating. Always.
Carnivores, such as lions or wolves, only eat when the opportunity—read prey—presents itself. As such, it requires a bit of energy to acquire their lunch, but that energy expended is rewarded with a healthy portion of protein.
So they really only eat after doing something. Instead of all. the. time.
And they can enjoy their naps.
People, somewhere along the way became addicted to comfort. Perhaps it even became a right. Anyway, it has created a society of lazy and fat people who eat. all. the. time. Marketing has indoctrinated in us that we need breakfast (the most important meal of the day!), before we’ve really done anything. No wonder breakfast makes me feel awful.
Unless I’ve already worked out. Or done... something.
And lately, it explains why my days tend to go better when I begin with my daily push-ups (press-ups for my British friends), and then eat when I’m hungry.
And my mid-morning, early-afternoon and late-afternoon naps. Just waiting for my prey. And my appetite.
And vegans. When do we start eating vegans? It is no longer a wonder why every “die hard” vegan I know is also fat.
We can learn a lot from lions. And less from experts.