Friday, June 26, 2020, 10:31 am
My only weakness...

I used to brag that I was free from addiction. After all, I don’t have an addictive personality.
Alcohol, I can take or leave. Same with cigarettes. Illicit drugs. Sweets. Sex.
Sleep? Well, sleep addiction may be a thing...
But French fries? Oh. My. God.
Put a plate of fries in front of me, and I’ll destroy it. Fast. Don’t blink.
I even ruined a few days progress on one of my diet rounds by persuading a beautiful young lady at the next table at a restaurant for a single fry.
Of course, she gave me two. The second was responsible for the weight fluctuation.
So, today, in between diet rounds, I ordered my usual steak salad, with a side of fries.
I didn’t finish my salad... and the fries were more than half gone before I started on it. Of course, you have to eat fries quickly... before they get cold!