Monday, June 8, 2020, 6:49 am
Taking a compliment

I received an interesting compliment the other day.
A friend mentioned that he can tell by my writing that I am an amazing fuck.
I may still be blushing. He’s the one who’s been showing me all of the girls are attainable (more on that later).
Yet, what is it about compliments? What exactly do they trigger? And is it the same for everyone?
In this case, it makes me want to write. So I set pen to paper and wrote an account of meeting this amazing girl named Allie.
When I re-read it... well, it seems “try hard.”
Surely, not everyone takes a compliment as “try harder.” After all, it should mean something more to the effect of “do what you do.”
It means I’m doing things well. I’m being excellent. Maybe I’m not aware of doing things like I do? Then bringing awareness to doing things takes me out of flow... because I’m thinking about doing what I do.
They say I got brains, but they ain’t doing me no good. I wish they could.
Perhaps I need to learn to let the compliment go, and get back to writing to write...

The Beach Boys
Pet Sounds