Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 6:49 am
Where is my fiddle?

I am the last person in the world to wax political. In fact, if you think you’re beginning to understand my politics—you’re wrong.
However, there is definitely something wrong with the world. There always has been. There always will be. Maybe we can fix something.
They’d rather let the nation burn than arrest three of their own.
Weren’t we always taught in civics class that being arrested isn’t a big deal? That it’s the opportunity to prove your innocence in the system? So, what are they so afraid of?
Perhaps it is time to police the police.
It’s complicated. I’m not saying there aren’t good cops out there. Nor am I saying there aren’t bad black (brown, yellow, red) people out there. And there are DEFINITELY bad white people out there—although there are good people in the world too, regardless of color.
And I, for one, cannot necessarily tell the difference.
Yet, in this case, law enforcement handled it badly. And every upline is handling it badly.
I am not perfect. I am still a fat-shamer (it’s a choice, more times than not). I am still untrusting of most humans (again, regardless of color). I still believe “Canadians” are terrible tippers. Yet, I have not walked in their shoes (aside from being a fat kid). I do not understand.
I just firmly believe people—black, brown, yellow, red, white, cops—need to stop being assholes. Inject a li’l love into your interactions.
We all live here. Why not make it a better place to live?