Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 5:26 am
Small price, indeed

Today, I am planning to meet some friends for lunch. It’s a good opportunity to bring brownies.
Why brownies?
Well, I like brownies—and I’ve been craving brownies. But, if I bake a batch of brownies without plans to meet someone out and about, I’ll have an entire pan of brownies. Just sitting there. With only myself to eat them.
I don’t need to eat an entire pan of brownies. No one does.
So, I obtained a new recipe from a pretty girl for black bottom cream cheese brownies—from scratch. I’ve come a long way from the Pillsbury box brownie days of yore.
It’s simple enough. Hand mix the chocolate part. Pulse the cream cheese part in the magic bullet. Easy!
Oh, wait...
I KNOW I have had a magic bullet. Oh, yeah... shit.
Small price to pay? Still?
Well, in the wake of the coronavirus-inspired solitude... yes! Although, I cannot help feeling more and more like a chump. After all, that was now seven months ago. And only today did I notice that my magic bullet is gone.
Clearly, I use it a lot.
Yet, I am still working to purge things. Work that is nearing an end—thanks to a new friend teaching me the concept of cost opportunity.
Ultimately, what’s left will be given away... and what’s left after that will be tossed. In favor of my new life.
My Ctrl-Alt-Del.
Anyway, she didn’t take my blender. Let’s make some brownies... and enjoy some time with friends.