Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 1:53 pm
Opportunites from solitude

I feel like I’ve been training my entire life for this.
Seriously though, social distancing comes naturally to me. Perhaps too naturally.
I tend to bask in my solitude.
I’m comfortable there.
Sure, it gets lonesome at times, but on the bright side, there’s no drama, no judgement, no awkwardness, no worries.
No sex.
It is tempting to take advantage of the time and sit in a room and think about things. Yet, that would be a step in the wrong direction. I’ve spent the entire month working on taking in the feelings of everything I’m experiencing...
I’ve been an academic too long. Now, I have a hunger... I’ve had a taste of the value of chaos, and I’m intrigued.
I want to reach out to some of the ladies from my past—this one girl, in particular—and find out what she feels when she’s around me.
And to drop the layers of bullshit.
If there was ever anything there, the honest feedback will be liberating. We all hide behind masks, yet perhaps I can shed one or two...