Thursday, December 5, 2019, 10:32 am
Out of adjustment

It’s another day in my continuing education.
A few months ago, I discovered I was off-balance and bumping into walls. For whatever reason, I didn’t think much of it. I recalibrated and it “went away.”
Then came the injuries. My knee started getting increasingly weaker. Annoying, but at the time I figured I could live with it.
Months later, certain movements of my waist hurt—a lot. Then, there were the headaches.
Something was clearly wrong. Of course, at this point I recognize it, and schedule a visit to my friendly neighborhood chiropractor.
One exam later, and I learn I’m more out of whack than I thought. At least he’s pleased with how I adjusted. I’m on the mend.
And now is where I realize the increased clumsiness was the first sign... because I’m slightly off-balance, and running into walls.
Yet, my motions feel natural this time. So, it’ll pass. Correctly this time.
Pay attention to your body. It’s telling you more than you may realize. Take care of yourself.

The Spinners