Thursday, August 15, 2019, 12:44 pm
Halfway point...

Today, I’m halfway through my self-imposed Facebook break.
Most days, I don’t miss the Facebook. Occasionally, I need to look something up—something that was on a wall, a friend’s birthday, the family chicken noodle soup recipe—but overall, the Facebook no longer provides much value to me nor my life.
Then, there are the groups that people use to interact with each other. I’ve been invited to a couple of them, and I feel like I’ve missed a lot of what the Facebook used to be... from a decade ago.
I started in December, overwhelmed by the nothingness that lives there. At the time, I was thinking one year. Then, when the new year started, I decided on #facebookFree2019.
If I can go more than a year, why not five hundred days of no Facebook?
And here we are. Halfway.
Over the last couple of months, I’ve been wondering what I’ll do when the 500th day passes next April.
Will I reactivate the same account? Will I purge the friends I need to purge?
Or will I start over? There are benefits to the clean slate... if the Facebook overlords will let you. They’re a bit draconian when it comes to the “one account per person” thing.
We shall see.
Next spring.